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State grid and power industry related regulations

发布时间:2014-11-12 来源:ydlcb 浏览次数:66次

DL 408-91 "Electrical Safety Work Regulations" stipulates: 8.2 In the room, when the equipment is filled with SF6 gas, the relative humidity of the surrounding environment should be ≤ At the same time, the ventilation system must be turned on and SF6 gas must not leak into the work area. The SF6 gas content in the working area air shall not exceed 1000ppm.

l DL/T639— 1997 "sulfur hexafluoride Electrical Equipment Operation, test and maintenance personnel safety protection Rules" stipulated: 4.3.3 Equipment installation room should be installed at the bottom of the sulfur hexafluoride concentration alarm instrument and oxygen meter, when the sulfur hexafluoride concentration exceeds 1000µ L/L, oxygen less than 18%, the instrument should alarm.