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How to deal with SF6 circuit breaker gas pressure reduction?

发布时间:2018-08-20 来源:ydlcb 浏览次数:160次

When the SF6 pressure drops to the first alarm value, the density relay operates and sends out the "SF6 pressure is low" signal, which should be processed as follows:

(1) Check the pressure gauge indication, check whether there is gas leakage, determine whether the signal is correct, SF6 gas serious leakage, such as feeling a stimulating smell, self-discomfort, should take measures to prevent poisoning.

(2) If there is no air leakage in the inspection, but it is a drop in air pressure during long-term operation, it should be charged by professionals. If there is air leakage in the inspection, and the SF6 gas pressure drops to the second alarm value, the density relay will operate and the circuit breaker will not jump when the signal of "closing trip lock" or "closing lock" or "opening lock" is reported. Request the dispatcher to stop the circuit breaker and take the following measures:

① Take off the operating safety and hang up the warning sign "No opening".

② Switch the faulty circuit breaker to the standby bus or bypass bus, and supply power through the bus circuit breaker or bypass circuit breaker.

③ Try to energize gas, can not energize gas, power off after load transfer.

④ Circuit breakers with serious air shortage can only be used as isolation switches. If the bus circuit breaker or bypass circuit breaker cannot replace the air circuit breaker, transfer the load to reduce the current of the air circuit breaker to zero, and then disconnect the circuit breaker.

When the pressure is lower than the alarm value, the contact is closed, the relay will have an action indication, and it will also be transmitted to the main control room, and the operator shall report and deal with it in time after finding out the safety measures. When the pressure is lower, the lock pressure alarm point will be activated, and this contact will be connected to the circuit breaker's opening and closing circuit, and the circuit breaker will not be able to open and close. SF6 pressure is low, insulation and arc extinguishing ability can not be guaranteed, not handled in time, there will be accidents.