What is the difference and function of the pressure gauge, density meter and density relay used on the SF6 circuit breaker?
What is the difference and function of the pressure gauge, density meter and density relay used on the SF6 circuit breaker?
A: Pressure gauges can measure pressure changes in electrical equipment. Density table is a pressure gauge with temperature compensation, its indicating value is the density or pressure of the measured gas, does not change with the change of ambient temperature, density table is divided into charged contact and no contact two, the general indicating unit is the pressure unit. The SF6 density relay is a pressure relay with temperature compensation, which is mainly used to send alarm signals and lock signals.
A gas pressure gauge installed on the circuit breaker monitors the pressure change of SF6 gas in the electrical equipment. The density meter monitors the electrical equipment to play a role in control and protection. Generally, domestic installation density meters monitor circuit breaker or GIS leakage, and some pressure and other density relays are used in combination to detect leakage of equipment.