
WINFOSS-D6 type SF6 density relay selection table
The SF6 gas density value indicated by the pointer on the SF6 density relay dial is expressed by the pressure of SF6 gas after temperature compensation, that is, the standard pressure value at 20 ° C. SF6 density relay works under the rated pressure. When the ambient temperature changes, the pressure of SF6 gas also changes. The temperature compensation unit inside the density relay corrects the changed pressure so that its pressure indication value remains unchanged. When SF6 gas leaks, the pressure will drop, and when it drops to the alarm setting value, a pair of contacts of the density relay will output an alarm signal, at which time the user will be required to air the equipment. If the pressure continues to drop, when it drops to the locking setting value, a pair of contacts of the density relay will output a locking signal to make the control system of the equipment lock, and the density relay will fill with silicone oil. To improve seismic and shock resistance. Thus to achieve the safe operation of electrical equipment protection.
The digital SF6 gas density online monitoring device is developed using sensor technology and digital circuit, and is connected to the substation integrated automation system for remote and online monitoring, which solves the problem that the mechanical density relay cannot adapt to the real-time monitoring of equipment operation status in the unmanned substation. It is conducive to the maintenance of circuit breaker condition and the safe and stable operation of power grid.
The SF6 density relay has two or three sets of contacts (defined according to different requirements) that emit overpressure, alarm, and lockout control signals, with an indication display.
WINFOSS-D6 remote SF6 gas density relay selection table
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