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How many cables does the SF6 gas leak monitoring and alarm system need to be connected?

发布时间:2024-07-10 来源:ydlcb 浏览次数:152次

The SF6 gas leak monitoring and alarm system set up in the power distribution is composed of SF6 gas leak monitoring host, SF6&O2 monitoring unit (sulfur hexafluoride and oxygen monitoring two-in-one unit), temperature and humidity monitoring unit, sound and light integrated alarm device, human infrared detection sensor, fan control box, background alarm signal transmission and integrated background SCADA system.




SF6 gas leak monitoring and alarm system generally needs to be connected by four cables, which are divided into SF6 leak monitoring host power cable, monitoring unit signal transmission cable, fan control link control cable, background alarm signal transmission cable. If it is necessary to increase the external sound and light alarm and external human infrared voice detector and background SCADA system, it is necessary to add the corresponding line.




The main cable layout is as follows:

1 SF6 gas leak monitoring host power cables are ZR-RVV-3*1.5 flame retardant cables, which are usually introduced from the JDP AC power panel. The lines are buried through pipes and enter the SF6 leak monitoring host through the cable trench or cable bridge.

2 SF6&O2 monitoring unit and temperature and humidity monitoring unit use ZR-RVVP-4*1.0 flame-retardant shielded cable, which is led from the RS485 port of SF6 leakage monitoring host, through the buried pipe or cable trench or cable bridge to each interval of the high voltage switch room GIS, the side of the SVG switch cabinet and the column circuit breaker.

3 Fan controller cables are routed from the SF6 leak monitoring host to the fan control box. ZR-RVV-3*1.5 flame retardant cables are used. It is led out from the fan control interface of SF6 leakage monitoring host, and led to the fan control box through the buried pipe or cable trench or cable bridge.

4, acousto-optic integrated alarm device, human infrared detection sensor concentrated on the SF6 leak monitoring host, but if you need to set in other access switch room door, SF6 leak monitoring host has reserved expansion of acousto-optic integrated alarm device, human infrared detection sensor interface, the cable can use ZR-RVV-3*1.5 flame retardant leakage, Through the buried pipe or cable trench or cable bridge to the location where the sound-optic integrated alarm device and human infrared detection sensor need to be set.

5, background alarm signal transmission cable and integrated from the background SCADA system signal cable. The ZR-RVP-4 *1.0 flame retardant shielded cable is led to the integrated self-screen or the location where the server needs to be installed through the buried pipe or cable trench or cable bridge.