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What are the decomposition products in SF6 electrical equipment? What are the types and compositions of insulation materials inside SF6 electrical equipment?

发布时间:2016-01-27 来源:ydlcb 浏览次数:34次

Generally speaking, the decomposition products in SF6 electrical equipment refer to the fault gases and products generated by the cracking of SF6 gas and solid insulation materials in the equipment under the action of fault energy when SF6 electrical equipment fails.

SF6 electrical equipment internal insulation materials, including SF6 insulation gas and solid insulation materials two categories. All SF6 electrical equipment uses SF6 gas internally for electrical insulation. SF6 electrical equipment in the solid insulation materials due to different equipment and different manufacturers will be different, in the circuit breaker solid insulation materials are epoxy resin and polytetrafluoroethylene, other equipment in addition to epoxy resin, there are polyester vinyl, insulating paper and insulating paint.