What are the discharge faults of SF6 gas insulated electrical equipment?
In SF6 gas-insulated electrical equipment, the magnitude that causes SF6 gas to decompose and discharge to consume energy is divided into three categories: arc discharge, spark discharge, and corona discharge or partial discharge.
Arc discharge: Under normal operating conditions, the circuit breaker will produce arc discharge when it is broken; When a short circuit fault occurs in the gas chamber, arc discharge will also occur. The discharge energy is related to the arc current.
Spark discharge: A very short time between the air gap capacitive discharge, low energy, resulting in decomposition products and arc discharge decomposition products are significantly different. The spark discharge often occurs during the disconnecting operation of the isolation switch or when flashover occurs during the high voltage test.
Corona discharge or partial discharge occurs because in SF6 gas-insulated electrical equipment, certain components are at a suspension potential, resulting in a local increase in the strength of the electric field, at which time metal impurities in the equipment and bubbles present in the insulator cause corona discharge or partial discharge. Prolonged partial discharge or corona discharge causes SF6 gas to decompose, resulting in the accumulation of corrosive decomposition products in the gas chamber. Partial discharge is a continuous process in which the amount of decomposition products formed in the gas chamber is proportional to the discharge time.