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How does the SF6 quantitative leak detector work?

发布时间:2017-06-03 来源:ydlcb 浏览次数:179次

High frequency oscillation electrodeless ionization type SF6 leak detector It is the use of high frequency oscillation electrodeless ionization principle. The resonant circuit composed of the high-frequency electric field electrode C on both sides of the ionization chamber and the high-frequency oscillation coil L has a high quality factor Q, because the gas in the ionization chamber is very thin and it is easy to ionize. When there is no SF6 gas in the ionization chamber, the Q value decreases due to gas ionization, resulting in a decrease in the oscillation amplitude of the high-frequency oscillator. When the gas in the ionization chamber contains SF6 gas, due to the electronegativity of SF6 gas molecules, a large number of free electrons are floated by SF6 gas molecules, thereby reducing the degree of ionization, so that the Q value rises, the amplitude of the oscillator also rises, so the measurement of the amplitude change of the oscillator, you can know that the tested gas contains SF6 gas concentration. This SF6 gas leak detector has a measuring range of 0.01 to 10,000 PPMV and is generally used for qualitative measurements, but can be used for quantitative measurements if quantitative calibration is performed in advance.