
What are the sources of SF6 harmful toxic gases?
Pure sulfur hexafluoride gas is non-toxic, but becomes toxic when sulfur hexafluoride is impure or decomposes.
The toxicity of sulfur hexafluoride gas mainly comes from five aspects.
1, some toxic products of sulfur hexafluoride gas in electrical equipment when the high-temperature arc occurs.
2, sulfur hexafluoride products are not pure, containing highly toxic low sulfur fluoride, hydrogen fluoride and other toxic gases when leaving the factory.
3, the sulfur hexafluoride gas and decomposition in the electrical equipment react with the electrode (CU-W alloy) and metal materials (AL, Cu) to produce some toxic products.
4, the sulfur hexafluoride gas decomposition in the electrical equipment and the water in the chemical reaction to produce some toxic products.
5. Sulfur hexafluoride gas and decomposition in electrical equipment react with insulating materials to produce certain toxic products. Such as insulating parts with epoxy phenolic glass cloth plate (rod, tube) containing silicon components; Or epoxy resin castable parts, moulded parts and porcelain bottles, silicone rubber, silicone grease with quartz sand and glass as fillers play a chemical role to generate SiF4, Si (CH3) 2F2 and other products.